Ritam Special Events

Autumn Equinox Balancing Retreat - September 23rd

Autumn Equinox Balancing Retreat - September 23rd


As the vibrant colours of summer gradually give way to the warm and inviting palette of autumn, we are reminded that change is both inevitable and breathtakingly beautiful. The Autumn Equinox Balancing Retreat, presented by Ritam Oasis, offers a wonderful opportunity to experience a unique moment in the passage of the seasons and the energetic shift that the Equinox represents in the equal balance of daylight hours and nighttime darkness, a reminder of Nature’s equilibrium, and a symbolic combination of both light and shadow within ourselves. 

Nestled in a high-altitude natural setting, Ritam Oasis is a sanctuary of tranquillity, harmonising your inner rhythms with the seasonal shifts occurring around you and inviting you to reflect, rejuvenate, and realign. Harness the energy of the Equinox for profound introspection and transformation. Your inner voice will awaken, guiding you through this time of transition.

During your Retreat journey, you will be guided by master teacher, George McFaul, in the ancient practices of Yoga, utilising simple and gentle exercises that reconnect you with your body, preparing you to experience Yoga Nidra, a powerful technique that navigates the realm between wakefulness and slumber, where you will embrace transition with courage and grace. Like falling leaves released from their branches, you too will let go of what no longer serves you, creating space for new growth.

Whether you're seeking a respite from the bustle of daily life or a deeper connection with the natural world, our Autumn Equinox Balancing Retreat promises an unforgettable journey of relaxation, healing, self-discovery and renewal.

Sign up with a friend and get $100 off the total. Use referral code ''equinox'' in the booking process.

Limited spots available

Book today: https://ritam.ca/reservation


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Embracing Summer's Fullness Retreat - August 19th, 2023

Embracing Summer's Fullness Retreat - August 19th, 2023


Summer is a season of vibrant colours of grasses, leaves and flowers   and longer daylight hours, when our personal power is at its greatest potential; the warm rays of the sun energise us, while the night time darkness is short-lived, allowing more opportunities for us to be outdoors in the fresh air and Nature. 

Join us at Ritam Oasis for the Embracing of Summer's Fullness Retreat Event. As a result of the heightened momentum of Summer’s energy, a time of abundance in Nature’s yearly cycle, our own personal power and decisiveness are magnified and we can more fully realise our aspirations.  Under the guidance of our experienced and highly skilled facilitators, Amanda Blaire, Kerri Petrunic and Sarah Konnoly, we will explore inner frontiers while utilising Summer’s benign energies in Ritam’s magnificent outdoor venues, to make progress on our goals and in our lives, instilling confidence, motivation and self-esteem. 

Sign-up with a friend and get $100 off the total. Just use refferal code unity when booking.

Limited spots available

Book today: https://ritam.ca/reservation

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Spring Rejuvenation Retreat - May 27-28th, 2023

Spring Rejuvenation Retreat - May 27-28th, 2023


Refresh your body, revitalize your mind and expand your consciousness

Spring is the season of new life, more sunlight, and greater personal energy. As the sunlight hours become longer and the night time darkness recedes, new beginnings, opportunities, transformations and growth become possible.
After many months of cold temperatures and darkness, Nature is bringing everything back to life. Leaves are budding, water is flowing and the grasses and plants are starting to grow again; animals are awakening from their winter sleep and the migrating birds are returning from their southern homes to nest and raise their young. It is a time of creativity, motivation and hope for the future.

Come join us for our spectacular Spring Rejuvenation Weekend Retreat with Master Yoga Teacher, Vic Mehta, and experience progress on your path. Build on the momentum that Spring is giving us, with greater energy, optimism and cheerfulness, to realize your potential.

Limited spots available

Book today: https://ritam.ca/reservation

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Equinox Retreat - March 17-19th, 2023

Equinox Retreat - March 17-19th, 2023


Revitalize your body and refresh your spirit

The Equinox is the representation of new life and light, new beginnings, path, and seeds. As the day and the night will be equal on the 20th of March, this equinox will also be the representation of our needs for balance during this period. It will be the time of new beginnings, renewal, and growth. Come join us for this spectacular retreat, hosted by our guest facilitator that needs no introduction, George McFaul.

(Limited spots available)

 Book Today: https://ritam.ca/reservation

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Let Go & Release - Celebrating Autumn - November 12th, 2022

Let Go & Release - Celebrating Autumn - November 12th, 2022


This amazing day celebrating autumn will allow you to let go, release and reset.

(Limited spots available)

 Book Today: https://ritam.ca/reservation

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You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself at Ritam, fully absorbing each offering throughout the time you are with us.