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Summer is a season of vibrant colours of grasses, leaves and flowers   and longer daylight hours, when our personal power is at its greatest potential; the warm rays of the sun energise us, while the night time darkness is short-lived, allowing more opportunities for us to be outdoors in the fresh air and Nature. 

Join us at Ritam Oasis for the Embracing of Summer's Fullness Retreat Event. As a result of the heightened momentum of Summer’s energy, a time of abundance in Nature’s yearly cycle, our own personal power and decisiveness are magnified and we can more fully realise our aspirations.  Under the guidance of our experienced and highly skilled facilitators, Amanda Blaire, Kerri Petrunic and Sarah Konnoly, we will explore inner frontiers while utilising Summer’s benign energies in Ritam’s magnificent outdoor venues, to make progress on our goals and in our lives, instilling confidence, motivation and self-esteem. 

Sign-up with a friend and get $100 off the total. Just use refferal code unity when booking.

Limited spots available

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